15 Best Free Image Optimization Tools for Image Compression

When you are launching your website, you definitely upload images to make your web page more attractive. Visual elements add to the appeal of the page considerably. Charts, tables, and other infographics will add value to your page. The images in their original form consume large space, and the web pages will take quite long to load. People do not have the patience to wait and may skip your web page. To keep the glued to your page, you need to use certain image compression tools to keep your web page size to the minimum.
Just have a look at 15 best performing image compression tools that can solve your purpose.
RIOT stands for Radical Image Optimization Tool, which is one of the efficient photo editing services that can help you in resizing the images for your usage on the internet. It offers a very useful feature of side by side comparison of the original and optimized photo for you to see. It has many advanced features and helps in automatic selection of the best-suited formats.
2.Shrink O’Matic
This is an Adobe Air app which can be used for compression of photographs easily. It can be used with PNGs, GIFs, and JPGs. The photos can be just pulled into the folder and will be compressed easily. You can set the desired sizes as per your requirement. You can sort out based on location, name, type and background watermarks.
This is an application offered by Yahoo. It can help you in producing the best images without compromising on the picture quality. In the methods used by this photo editing service, the file sizes are drastically reduced, but the quality of the picture remains unaffected. It is a free service and remains available up till 30 minutes of activity.
RIOT stands for Radical Image Optimization Tool, which is one of the efficient photo editing services that can help you in resizing the images for your usage on the internet. It offers a very useful feature of side by side comparison of the original and optimized photo for you to see. It has many advanced features and helps in automatic selection of the best-suited formats.
5.Image Optimizer
This application can help you in optimizing your photographs as per your requirement. Its services are available on the internet for free. It can be used as a desktop application but creates a promo message at the bottom of the edited photograph. You have to opt for a paid version for an image free from the promo message.
5.PNG Gauntlet
PNG Gauntlet offers image editing services for editing PNG files in Windows operating systems. It can aid you tp create files of very small size using the features like OptiPNG, PNGOUT, and DeflOpt. The quality of the images is not at all compromised. During the conversion of the files, it allows you to see the progress of conversion through progress status bars.
This tool is another free service available on the internet that allows you to optimize your images by uploading the files to the application. You can select the compression level, and accordingly, you get the output files. It can be used for JPG, PNG, and GIF file types. You can upload a maximum of 10 files with individual sizes not exceeding 3MB.
This image editing tool can be used for editing JPG and PNG image files using the features of PNGCrush, AdvPNG, OptiPNG and JPEGOptim as per the file category. When the files are compressed, there is no loss in the quality factor. It is a free tool that can be used on multiple operating system platforms.
9.PNG Optimizer
This tool will help you in reducing the PNG files of irrelevant and incorrect info. It brings about size reduction and changes PNG format into other visual types such as GIF, BMP, and TGA. It is supportive of animated pictures of PNG variety. It can be used in the different version of Windows Operating System.
10.Shrink Pictures
This is a very handy image optimization tool that helps you to bring down the sizes of you desired images. You get the choice of the degree of compression you require. It works with the formats of PNG, JPG, and GIF. It adds to your privacy also by deleting all your images from the memory of the server after your use.
ImageOptim helps you to produce the best image for uploading on the internet through the application of the most suited parameters for size reduction and deleting redundant text comments or color patterns. It can be easily optimized by just pulling the photographs into the application window for the reduction process. It is totally free to use and handles most of the types of images.
This tool runs on Windows and is used to compress the images up to nearly 90% the original picture size without distorting the image quality. The formatted version will be suitable for web upload as well as for printing purposes. It supports a huge variety of image formats. It houses helpful features such as Preview and Slideshow for viewing the edited images.
13.Image Optimizer
This is free to use tool from the internet. It can be easily used for optimizing the JPGs, GIFs, and PNGs to the best possible results so that they can be uploaded onto the webpage without any hassle. The application allows you for conversion of image type also into formats as per your need. The maximum size of an image that can be uploaded is 2.86 MB.
14.JPEG Optimizer
This is another free tool available on the internet fort compression of images to suit your blogs and emails.
15.JPEG Reducer
This image editing tool which is available free on the web can also help in shrinking your image sizes for easy uploading on the web pages.
Since there are a plethora of options that can be chosen for image optimization purposes, you are free to choose the one that will best suit your purpose. These tools will render your web page lighter and will take lesser timer to load.