Mobile Apps Monetization ? How You Can Make More Money

Building apps is a business and it is not always related to fun. In order to make a mobile app an efficient tool for monetization you need to know the different options and tactics to achieve it. You must have a clear idea about the process so that the customers are willing to pay for the solutions to the problems that you have successfully identified. There are basically three pricing models popular amongst different enterprise mobile apps development company, that are available for generating revenue and you can have any one of the three launched to get the maximum revenue.
Freemium Type One Apps
It is the most popular one for generating revenue for games and apps. It has all in-app purchases and thus is very popular and most sought out for by the users. It comes to the users free of charge and with limited features and contents. You can upgrade the features of a freemium app with in-app purchases in a monthly basis too. As there is no price attached to the download people regularly updates it and thus gives the developer a fair chance to prove the product?s value. To avail full functionality you can offer basic features for free and tempt the user to avail the full version as additional payable contents which are updated on a monthly basis.
One Time Investment Apps
Some apps also come for one-time payment in which all updated and additional features are given free to the users in future. In this type you have to look for a regular source of income from new customers and you cannot charge the existing customers repeatedly. So, your app must be convincing enough to allure the first time users to pay for the necessary downloads. For effective working of such kind of one time payable apps you must offer the most important and valuable features on the first download and minor ones in the subsequent ones.
About The Paid Apps
These type of apps are a mixture of the two and has become popular among the users very recently. Though there is a difference in opinions between the users as to whether it is fair or not to charge extra for additional downloads. But the mobile apps developers very cleverly deals with this tricky and sensitive issue and build an attractive proposition for the value and benefits of further downloads. The skillful and professional approach of the web developers have made this type of apps one of the most favorable monetization model app.
The One Appended
It is clear that the users have to either pay once or a number of times for the usage of the features of the monetization models that are available in the market to earn profit. There is also another model for the monetization which is not that much widely available in the information and technological market. This app is free of cost and comes with various advertising. There are many who use this model for their benefit as its free and does not cost any money to down load. It runs advertisements which are non-intrusive and are available as long as the application is used by any user.
The popularity of this type of application can be judged by the fact that it is downloaded more than 300 times a day and runs for more than 20 minutes every time it is down loaded. So this is the best model if your app needs prolonged and frequent usage. So, it is the ultimate need for a web developer to make the usage of the app a hobby for the user so that it facilitates repeated transactions.