Software Development Outsourcing: 10 Do’s and Dont’s

Often outsourcing is associated with cheaper offshore solutions. But it’s not the case every time. Offshore outsourcing of software development works if you are looking for more skilled, experienced and dedicated software developers team to complete your project as per schedule.
The discussion on whether software development work should be outsourced or not is endless. Ask the question to anyone from the industry you will get an opinion this way or that.
Outsourcing software development has proven to be a great success for many companies worldwide. Provided you should understand the do’s and don’t of outsourcing.
Here are top 10 Do’s and Don’t of Outsourcing for Software Development Work:
Do’s of Software Development:
- Check the companies standing and reputation, the duration for which the company is doing the business and its capabilities.
- Find the company?s location; onshore, offshore or near-shore. And the way to interact with the company.
- The number of outsourcing jobs the company has completed, and the period for which the outsourced models are running.
- The list of customers and the customers? testimonials.
- The composition of the management is and the core members and their role in the company.
- Verify the involvement of the core team of software developers and the stakeholders of the company.
- The process of reporting the deliverable and the method of verification.
- The schedule of the meeting between the developing team and the process coordinator and its frequency.
- The security aspect of the software, and holder the IP right of the product.
- The issue of ownership of the codes and licenses.
Don’t of Software Development Outsourcing:
- Priorities your goals of outsourcing and results needed.
- Check your outsourcing partners reputation and work experience.
- Plan your outsourcing strategically. Don’t assign all the project at once.
- Decide milestones and time frame to achieve those milestones.
- Release your payment as per completed milestones.
- Get NDA, Licensing and ownership details before hand.
- Decide on best practices, tools, and technologies that will be used.
- Schedule proper reporting system.
- Streamline everything on reliable Project Management Systems.
- Schedule the frequency and channel of meetings to stakeholders of the project.
There are numerous benefits associated with the offshore outsourcing of design and development work but proper research and analysis of your requirement and offshore partners is required.
So, why outsource your software development? here are some benefits…
- Access to a more skilled team of software developers & programmers.
- Improved Compliance as offshore professionals uses proven development process as per international standards.
- Access to latest technologies and techniques of development.
- Completion of current or half-done projects on time.
- Flexibility to get on-demand software development solutions.
- Risk mitigation – choosing an outsourcing firm that has a high-quality project management system and a tried-and-true process for developing applications reduces risk.
- Cost benefit is obvious if you choose the right offshore software development company.
IT Outsourcing has contributed 25.4% to Global Outsourcing Revenue in 2015! And it clearly predicts the future of outsourcing. The entire idea of IT outsourcing depends on your analysis and research skills. Make a checklist of do’s for you to follow while planning to outsource your next software development project.